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Vivekanand Shikshan Sanstha's
Vivekanand Arts, Sardar Dalipsingh Commerce and Science College
Samarth Nagar, Aurangabad - 431001 (M.S.) India.
AISHE No.: C-34524, UDISE No: 27191106109

Department of Biotechnology & Microbiology

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Technologies Developed

Sr No Title of Technology Brief Detail References
01 E-waste management using Economical and Ecofreindly Method (BIRAC is now supporting for pilot scale studies of this technology) An eco friendly method has been developed for treating electronic waste was successful at lab scale studies. The method consists of utilization of bacteria for the removal of hazardous metals from e-waste and subsequent recovery by electrodeposition. Achieving > 99% leaching and >92% recovery in powdered form of copper and >93% leaching of Zinc The methods (without disclosing the know how) were published with Elsevier and Springer.Two Industries (based in Chennai) working in E-waste have approached us with that reference.
02 A Novel method of sowing seeds along with azolla and IAA producers When seeds were sowed along with azolla and Indole acetic acid producing bacteria, azolla works as continuous source of tryptophan, a precursor for IAA The method (without disclosing the know how) have been published in one of journal of Springer-Nature
03 Laboratory Waste to Bioenergy (Indian Patent-Filed and Published) Microbiology and Biotechnology laboratory waste can be efficiently converted to biomethane using a special pretreatment prior to its use. Indian Patent Applications has been filed and published on 15 Sept. 2017 Application no. 201721029643
04 Yard waste/ Paper waste to Bioenergy Leaf litters and paper waste is considered as complex and troublesome substrates for using as a feed for anaerobic digester. With our technology we made it possible. We are providing consultancy for treating such kind of waste. Many Institutions have approached and benefited with this technology